Want to be part of our network?

All women in leadership positions from the life science industry can become members in VILDA.

If this is not you, we always welcome your involvement as a sponsor!

What we offer:

to VILDA members:
  • being part of a robust network of competent women in leadership positions.
  • the opportunity to share knowledge and expertise, and be part of a “think tank” on issues relating to women in life science.
  • a supportive, trusted environment for women leaders in life sciences.
  • educational events, lectures, meetings, and networking opportunities. Focus areas include leadership development, investment in life sciences, company growth, female leadership, women’s health, and other related topics relevant to the Life Sciences and women’s conditions in the industry.
  • mentorship programs and capacity development, including education and training for board and top management positions and other development opportunities.
to partners and sponsors:
  • the opportunity to tap into a robust network of competent women in leadership positions.
  • to partner with us on our mission to close the diversity gap, promote healthier companies, and advance life sciences by leveraging the unique competencies women bring to the table.
  • to showcase your expertise in areas of high relevance for female leaders in senior positions.