How do I become a member of VILDA?
Click the “Join us” link at the top of this page and fill out the form. We review each application individually but the general requirement is that you should be a life science executive or manager with staffing and budget responsibility in a company, non-profit, academic institution, or health care organization.
How much does a VILDA membership cost?
A one-year membership in VILDA costs 500 SEK.
How do I become a member of the private VILDA-group on LinkedIn?
Inclusion in the VILDA database is open to VILDA members. If you are a member, send an e-mail to vilda@vildanetwork.com saying you want to be registered and you will be sent a link to a form where you fill out the information we need for the database.
If you’re not yet a member, click the “Join us” link at the top of this page.
How can I register in VILDAs database for board candidates?
Inclusion in the VILDA database is open to VILDA members. If you are a member, send an e-mail to vilda@vildanetwork.com saying you want to be registered and you will be sent a link to a form where you fill out the information we need for the database.
If you’re not yet a member, click the “Join us” link at the top of this page.
How can I request data from VILDAs database for board candidates?
If you represent a company that is looking for board members, please email us at vilda@vildanetwork.com and ask to be sent a link for the data base excerpt request.
Do you have a question you think should be here?
Send your question to vilda@vildanetwork.com. We will answer your question and and add the question to the FAQ.