Collaboration with Styrelseakademien Stockholm in 2025

We at VILDA are happy to announce yet another collaboration with Styrelseakademien Stockholm this upcoming spring 2025. At VILDA our dedication is to promote higher education and diversity within corporate governance. In line with that two different board educations will be given: in February “Rätt fokus i styrelsearbetet SME” and in April “Styrelseledamot i noterade bolag”. The participants are able to be certified by Styrelseakademien after the respective courses given that the participants pass the exams. The teachers at the courses are highly experienced in the field and accredited. A statement from one of the teachers Petra Palmgren Lindwall: “I find that it will be very interesting and inspiring to participate in the education of VILDA members to enhance their capabilities to contribute to create profitable and sustainable companies within life science”.



Petra Palmgren Lindwall                           Anna Sjöblom-Hallén, PhD MBA

Lärare, Styrelseakademien                        VILDA event committee

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