Om oss

Nätverk för ledande kvinnor inom Life Science där vi inspireras, utbyter erfarenheter, hjälper varandra och har kul tillsammans.

Syftet med nätverket VILDA (som står för VD Inom Lifescience: Damer för Affärsnätverkande) är att skapa ett förtroendefullt forum där vi kan utbyta erfarenheter, få nya insikter och låta oss inspireras av varandra. Målsättningen är att utvecklas och stärkas i sin roll, så väl affärsmässigt som personlighetsmässigt, samtidigt som vi alla bygger värdefulla nätverk. Nätverket riktar sig till kvinnliga företagsledare. 

VILDA är en ideell förening som bedrivs med hjälp av styrelsens och medlemmarnas engagemang.

VILDA grundades i maj 2023 och bakom initiativet står Anna Törner, Cecilia Bröms-Thell och Sarah Lidé, alla tre med gedigen bakgrund inom Life Science.

Christina Ösberg Lloyd - Chairwoman

M.D. Spec.ObGyn & Reproductive Medicine

CEO Care & Communication   


Christina Östberg Lloyd, M.D., Women’s Health expert and advocate, with an extensive track record of executive leadership and strategic management in Life Science industries, from big pharma as Novo Nordisk to start-ups, and board engagements. 


Currently she is running her own business as an executive consultant, expert and mentorship. Until recently served as the SVP Global Head, Womens Health, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S.


Christina is thrilled to be the Chairwoman of VILDA and together with engaged members, build a culture of trusted experience sharing, inspiration and mentorship.


Cecilia Bröms Thell - Vice Chair

Business Development UIC


Cecilia Bröms-Thell has a broad experience from leading positions within Life Sciences, primarily within the pharmaceutical industry. She has held several senior leadership positions, such as CEO, general manager and business unit director in various organisations, spanning from global to local settings. 


Today, Cecilia, is very excited about the ability to transfer her experience and know-how to new, innovative organisations in the role as senior business developer at UIC, Uppsala Innovation Centre, a well acknowledged and successful business incubator.

Sarah Lidé - Treasurer

Deputy CEO, Medicon Village Innovation 


Sarah Lidé is the Deputy CEO at Medicon Village Innovation, with Medicon Village being a vibrant and thriving science park with more than 180 life science companies and organisations located in the city of Lund in southern Sweden. 


Sarah has a wealth of experience in leading and facilitating strategic processes, understanding macro and industry trends and their implications for business, and driving multi-stakeholder engagement. She has previously held roles as a management consultant within the public sector, healthcare and life science for about a decade, and subsequently as a senior strategy and project manager with the life science cluster organisation Medicon Valley Alliance, where, among other things, she led the Interreg-financed Microbiome Signature Project together with colleagues from Invest in Skåne and Copenhagen Capacity with the aim of strengthening and positioning the greater Copenhagen region as a leading microbiome hub. 

Sara Malcus - Secretary

PhD, Management, Life Science and Innovations


Sara has a PhD in Inflammation Medicine and extensive experience from management of companies in the life science sector. She has held several management- and executive positions in small and large companies, and spent the past 10 years as the CEO of MetaboGen, a microbiome company that was eventually acquired by the Swedish probiotic company BioGaia. 


Sara has served on a number of boards, and is today engaged in companies of varying sizes, as business coach and advisor, as well as through board positions. With a passion for innovation and venture creation, she is excited to use and share her experience in her role as Senior Advisor at GU Ventures, the successful incubator of Göteborg University, and through the VILDA network.



Anna Törner - Board member

Business Director and Founder of SDS Life Science


Anna Törner founded SDS Life Science in 2012 and is the main advisor for regulatory issues. She holds a Ph.D. in biostatistics from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm and her varied experience comes from work in regulatory authorities, the pharmaceutical industry and academic research. She has many years of industry experience as a consultant in regulatory affairs and drug clinical trials at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacia & Upjohn and Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, to name a few. Anna's expertise lies in clinical development, and she is particularly interested in merging statistical and regulatory knowledge to create studies better suited to regulatory needs.

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